سفارش تبلیغات در سایت


Ads PlacementDescription1 Week1 Month
AList your programClick Here (Life Time)Available
BBanner 728×9070 USD210 USDAvailable
CBanner 468×6045 USD145 USDAvailable
DBanner 125×12525 USD75 USDAvailable

Please pay to our Perfect Money account U19763793 and send us your request to our email: shamohsen67@gmail.com

Warning: Unknown scammers send emails to the program admins on behalf of our team with the request to pay fee for registration at shamohsen directly to their e-currency account. In this case we recommend to ask our confirmation (via shamohsen67@gmail.com) of the account number before your payments for registration at our list. Please note, our Perfect Money account is U19763793.